Nuclear misinformation

 I've been quite shocked to come across two instances of misinformation about the UK's nuclear deterrent in recent weeks. 

The first was in a report by DW (German state broadcaster) which you can watch at this link:

It's a good report, but at the time of the link Katarina Engberg announces that the UK is reliant on getting its fissile material from the USA, which it doesn't seem to at the moment. The UK has an enrichment facility at Capenhurst, and has a stockpile of about 150 tonnes of fissile material ( this is enough for 10,000's of nuclear weapons. 

In the past it is true that the UK has imported some fissile material from the USA but the implication that it's dependent on the USA for fissile material is obviously untrue. We have far too much of the stuff lying around and simply can't get rid of it.

The second claim was made in "The Redline podcast" here :

In the pod cast the presenter remarks that the UK will get its warheads from the USA in the future. The UK and the USA are working closely together on the W93 warhead, but it's also clear that the UK is designing and will manufacture the weapon.

So, why are these kinds of statements being made? I don't think that this is an accident, I think that these comments are being carefully placed. The reason is an attempt to undermine AUKUS, my guess is to put pressure on the UK to re-align as a supporter of European security only, and to advance China's agenda.

 Strange bedfellows, strange times. 


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