10,000 missiles in a barrage - what ya gonna do?
There is a video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1634y1g7KR/ and it's been discussed https://www.reddit.com/r/LessCredibleDefence/comments/1bx1clu/how_credible_is_this_david_goldman_claims_that/ Which has been picked up by westernsources in the last few weeks (April 2024). In this video it's claimed that a factory in China can create 1000 cruise missiles a day. Some people have poured cold water on these claims noting that careful translation says that "components for 1000 cruise missiles" can be created a day. It would be wise to think about what this might mean though. First off these would be precision guided munitions - because why not? If you can build a self driving car, why not a precision missile? Secondly these missiles could well have fairly advanced features like stealth and electronic warfare capabilities - because.... why not? These are capabilities that are well within the reach of Chinese manufacturers. Probably these missiles will not be as stealthy...